The time has come to reveal to the world who is this mysterious “By Saggezza” (or “BS”).
By Saggezza (“saggezza” means wisdom) is a bizarre Italian boy that daily writes about his adventures. For example, he writes about his diet, his car, his job (at this moment ex job), his friends and adventures of his friends. But not only. Indeed, he writes about, politics, poetry and philosophy.
In this Blog all his friend, or people that he talk about, have a nickname (for example, some are “BVP”, “Vecchio Sax”, “Gallizzia” and “Stam”), because By Saggezza is based on his idol Beppe Grillo, an Italian comedian who talks about politics better than politicians! (You see, where Beppe Grillo talk about Berlusconi with the nickname of “Psicopedonano”).
Sometimes, By Saggezza appears in video, and in those happenings he wear black glasses and a white mask on the mouth.
It is said that By Saggezza is a computer expert or an electronics expert…but nobody believes at these his faculties. For these reasons, By Saggezza constantly tries to convince his readers.

For his friends, By Saggezza is simply a legend.

Questo è forse il primo passo che cercarà di far capire a tutto il mondo chi, e cose è By Saggezza, anche se nessuno lo vorrebbe.
Ivan ha mantenuto la sua parola, esplicando in poche righe un concetto che ancora in molti tentano di capire e di comprendere.
Invito chiunque voglia aggiungere qualcosa a questa fantastica presentazione, un suo contributo, una sua esperienza, o anche solo una leggenda che ha sentito narrare.
Così che il mondo sappia, con chi ha a che fare ….

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